Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Clean up that naked and go to your room.

People here are grooving on the use of "Unruh" to mean "postal" (and it makes sense, if you've ever heard her speak), and one other blog (!) has picked it up. I'm curious to see if it will get around, and if it does, if it will do for South Dakota what Dan Savage's treatment of "Santorum" did for Pennsylvania. (Others of my definitions, however, are less catchy, but I kinda knew that would happen: there is a limit to how many real, useable words one can pull out of a single political group).

But the other night a new one was born that is entirely unbesmirched by politics, and I think it's pretty cool: "to spill the naked." While this meant something entirely else in it's original context, we decided that it was a perfect way to say "TMI" without actually having to *say* TMI (because "TMI" is kind of outre).

So here's an example:

Friend starts telling you about something and forgets that there are some things that other people don't want to know (like, for example, about the weird thing she found growing on the bottom of her foot). You say incredulously, and with a hint of disgust, "Aw, man, you just spilled the naked." (The implication being, of course, that she should clean it the hell up by apologizing and STOPPING TALKING. NOW.)

It is possible that this is only hysterically funny at midnight when you've had too much coffee and have too much work standing between you and a good night's sleep. But I think it has potential.

(All right, I'll link you to Savage's definition of "Santorum," but it's a pretty strong example of spilling the naked, so be warned.)

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