Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I think I can still call myself Plain(s) Feminist...

...but I am moving to the Twin Cities, baby!

Yes, I got a job.

Yes, it is in Women's Studies.

Yes, that fact makes this post seem unnecessarily bitter, but trust me, it's really not. Just ask my adjunct or temporary-hire colleagues.

Yes, it felt awful to run into friends at the conference who had applied for the job I ended up getting. Almost, but not quite, as bad as when the situation was reversed. There is just nothing good about this job market.

Yes, the band from Minneapolis that I listened to in college is still playing gigs there, which is quite cool. (Someday, I will have to write a post about them.)

I'm going up in a few days to look for a place. Wish me luck!


Veronica said...

Congrats and good luck!

Anna said...

Good luck, and don't worry if you don't find a place right away. I didn't find anywhere when I visited Missoula, but found one later from the online classifieds in the city newspaper.

Renegade Evolution said...


Drek said...

Hey! Congratulations!

Kelsey said...

Hopefully the Twin Cities housing market has loosened up a bit since I was last looking for a place there. We'd call numbers in ads within hours of the paper coming out and they'd already be taken. Ugh.

Stay away from Riverside Plaza...or anywhere in Cedar-Riverside.

Ravenmn said...

Congrats! And, omg, this means we could meet in real life!

Let me know what I can do to help! ravenmn (the squigly thing)!