Saturday, December 12, 2009

"The adventures of a sort of shiksa during the Festival of Lights," or "Hanukkah is getting the shaft again."

Not only did Bean ask for (and receive) a Christmas movie for Hanukkah (which I'm never sure if I'm spelling correctly or not), and not only did we watch it tonight, and not only do we never get home in time to light the candles at dusk (we light them around 7 or 8) - but I'm eating pork. The theme here seems to be, just how bad can we be at this?

(Nevertheless, we are having fun.)


Anonymous said...

I wish you guys were here in Houston, I would take you to the Children's Museum where I work. We're having Hannukah wonder week and went all out. It's a lot of fun. Hope you are well, take care.

Plain(s)feminist said...

That would be fun!

Anonymous said...
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Jackson said...

That's good.

Had fun, and had beautiful memory.

Daisy Deadhead said...

Happy Holidays to you! :)

Ricky Baldwin said...

OK, now that's a familiar exchange! (You know, not word for word :-) I had a friend in Buffalo who kept getting a bill for $0.00. He called many times and each time they removed the "late" fees, but the problem persisted until he finally sent them a check for $0.00. Wanna guess what happened?

The bank charged him a fee. Apparently there's a minimum amount he could write a check for.