Saturday, March 10, 2007

Journal of Lesbian Studies looking for submissions

OK, all you terrific writers out there in bloglandia - here's something for you. Note, please, that the styles of writing they are accepting vary widely and need not be academic.

Journal of Lesbian Studies has reopened its call for submissions for
the upcoming "Lesbians and Body Image" issue with a probable pub date of 2007-8. Deb Burgard, Ph.D., Guest Editor, is welcoming one-page abstracts of articles addressing different aspects of the theme. Articles may raise more questions than they answer, and may range from research to theory, academic to personal, for example:

* Does loving a woman change your own body image?

* Are athletic lesbians more or less accepting of their bodies than non-athletic lesbians?

* How does growing up identifying more with boys affect body image?

* What differentiates body image situations where it is seen as desirable to change your attitude (i.e., "accept your body") vs. where it is seen as desirable to change your body (i.e., transsexual surgery)? What determines whether someone identifies as a butch lesbian or a FTM transsexual?

* How do the differences in attitudes toward weight in different communities (ethnic, class) intersect with differences in attitudes toward lesbianism?

* Would prevailing standards for women's beauty change if lesbians were in charge of the fashion and entertainment industries? How do gay men influence standards of beauty for women, and what is the lesbian response to this?

* What are the dynamics of weight issues in lesbian relationships? Do lesbians have less of a tendency to blame their bodies for interpersonal rejection than straight women or gay men?

* Are body image issues involved in "lesbian bed death"?

* Are the differences among older and younger lesbians in body image concerns more the result of age-specific concerns or more the result of changes in historical periods?

* Does having a minority sexuality make it more likely that you will experience your body as betraying you? Or does it make it more visible that other people's treatment of you is cultural?

* Do lesbians weigh more or do straight women weigh less?

* Why are so many leaders in the size acceptance movement lesbians? Are thin lesbians more or less likely to be allies in the size acceptance movement?

* Does the coming out process help in validating your body and improving body image?

* Does being a member of an already stigmatized group make it easier or harder to have a body that doesn't look like the culture says it should?

* Comparing lesbian and gay male culture: Is lesbian culture "more forgiving" re appearance? What are the gender, sexuality, and cultural issues such that gay male culture appears to be less forgiving than even mainstream culture?


Please submit a one-page abstract (by email, please) by the deadline of April 10, 2007 to Deb Burgard at:

If your abstract is selected you will receive further details on the requirements for the articles. The Journal of Lesbian Studies is published quarterly by Haworth Press, which usually publishes the issue as a book as well, for an interdisciplinary academic audience.

Alas, NO FINANCIAL PAYMENT IS AVAILABLE for authors whose articles are published. Articles should be 10-15 pages, double-spaced, submitted as Word document attachments by email to Deb Burgard at the address above, after your abstract has been accepted. All authors will need to sign a form transferring copyright to Haworth Press. Please do not send already published material unless you hold
copyright or can obtain the rights to publish the material free of charge.

Thanks to all! Please feel free to re-post this call for articles wherever you think there are potential authors for this issue.

Deb Burgard, Ph.D.

This is, of course, the Journal of Lesbian Studies, but I would hazard a guess that the call is open to all women who can comment on these issues, regardless of self-identification. And there's a handy email to check in with, in any case.

And, you know, since they ask...anyone wanna take a stab at any of the above questions right here?


Anna said...

What differentiates body image situations where it is seen as desirable to change your attitude (i.e., "accept your body") vs. where it is seen as desirable to change your body (i.e., transsexual surgery)? What determines whether someone identifies as a butch lesbian or a FTM transsexual?

I knew! that was going to come up, and that they were going to relate the question to butch lesbians vs. FTM men (as though MTF lesbians don't exist??) and the second question is kind of hilarious. Um, if someone tells me they identify as a butch lesbian, that kind of determines it for me.

Plain(s)feminist said...

Yeah, I thought quite a few of the questions were...interesting. Even leading, though I'm not sure that they were meant to be.

Do lesbians weigh more or do straight women weigh less?

Or are there other possibilities, such as, do lesbians weigh less and straight women weigh more? Or how about a question like "Are there weight differences between lesbians and straight women?"

How does growing up identifying more with boys affect body image?

Well, gosh, I guess they'd better ask some lesbians who identified more with boys growing up, eh? I mean, I know LOTS of lesbians who didn't. Kind of interesting assumption...

Does the coming out process help in validating your body and improving body image?

It seems pretty clear what the answers are that they're looking for - I mean, this could have said, "Does the coming out process AFFECT your body image?" Or, "HOW does the coming out process AFFECT your body image?"

Having written some of these things, I'm guessing that the editor is simply trying to suggest some lines of thinking and not necessarily tp enforce these conclusions. But it does seem a bit heavy-handed at times.

SallySunshine said...

Are body image issues involved in "lesbian bed death"?

First of all, lesbian bed death, at least in my experience, has never been an issue in my relationships with women. However, I know some other lesbian couples who have experienced it. But, I also know straight couples who have stopped having sex completely. I’m not sure if this is purely a lesbian issue. Monogamy can be awfully boring, straight, gay, or bi.

I think it’s more of a cultural thing and applies to all women in general. There is a disconnect between our bodies and our experiences. I have a very difficult time getting out of my head during sex until I feel comfortable with the person. This takes time. Typically, sex gets better with time, not the other way around.

How does growing up identifying more with boys affect body image?

I wouldn’t be qualified to answer this because I’ve always identified with women more. When I came out as bi-sexual, family members said, “Well, I just can’t believe it, Sally S loved dolls and dressing up when she was little, she can’t possibly be gay/and or bi-sexual, it doesn’t make sense.” Haven’t these people ever heard of the L Word? Not all lesbians identify with a male image. What about femme’s?

Does loving a woman change your own body image?

Having loved both men and women equally, I can’t say loving women has changed my own body image, but it has changed my view of other women’s bodies *smiles*. I had a fairly positive body image before I was involved with women, yet, I’ve known plenty of lesbians who have a poor body image. I’m not sure if that’s because of their lesbianism or just society in general. Because lesbians have the same sexual problems straight women have in their relationships. (At least from what I’ve seen, experienced, and heard) Lack of communication about what each participant needs is fatal to any blossoming sexual relationship. My philosophy is, if we can’t talk about it, we shouldn’t be doing it. (literally)